Despite the incredible faith the Dutch people have in their weather 'professionals', these 'experts' really don't know what they're doing. Sure, they can show where the clouds are moving right now on the radar map, but who couldn't?! I wonder how well - or if - these people are trained. I, for one, watched the Weather Network for an ENTIRE SUMMER one year - possibly during el nino - and am therefore a highly-trained weather guru. As is my brother, who somehow maintained control of the remote (probably because he woke up so damned early). I think we could take them.
Seriously, if they understood the weather half as well as they claim, you'd think they'd at least be able to make an accurate predication of, say, tomorrow's weather. I know, the weather is constantly changing. I don't trust next week's forecast; I don't even look at it. But tomorrow? Seriously, how hard is that?!
On Sunday, the week's forecast was roughly like this: Monday and Tuesday, rain and cool weather. Wednesday: clear, blue skies and hot. Thursday on: rain and possibly still hot.
If you recall, on Monday, I wrote about the start of summer. It was a warm, sunny day. As was Tuesday. Wednesday, however, had sun and cloud and a wind that made it cooler than Monday and Tuesday.
Every day this week, the forecast was wrong.
On Wednesday, I watched the news because I remembered that they had called for rain in the earlier forecast. The forecast for Thursday had changed to sun and cloud.
It rained. The. Whole. Day.
The forecast for Friday: cloudy and cool. It would definitely stay below 20C. It was sunny from the moment The Little Ninja woke me up until the sun set at like 9:00 at night. From the moment I stepped outside it was obvious it would be much warmer than 20.
Clearly, the meteorologists in the Netherlands have NO IDEA what they're doing. Please help them. Could constant Weather Network, perhaps, be an option? Because either they need training or we need new people. Probably the latter.
Meteorologists wanted! Must be able to FORECAST THE WEATHER.
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