Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A change'll do ya good

This is so true. Especially for me. Because I am addicted to change. And since my husband, um... isn't, I don't get enough without going out of my way to do so.  So you can imagine that I might be getting frustrated with my walk to and from The Little Ninja's daycare, as the last 700m have been the same each way all summer. The first part I can vary, but that last bit is the same stretch of the same road, over and over, rain, heavy rain or cloud. (I wasn't kidding when I said summer just started yesterday.)

But today the soccer club next to the daycare had its first game of the season, and this opened up an alternate route that hasn't been available since the season finished in the spring. Instead of that same road again, afternoons when the club is open, I can take a pathway through the club, changing my entire route. It's a nicer route, too. I don't have to walk along the road at all, I can just stay on the bike/walking paths. Yay!

Other people, I think, could also do with a change. Doesn't anyone consider their facial expression when walking down the street or biking? Seriously, people, you're in public! Passing others constantly. How hard is it to have a pleasant expression on your face, if smiling and saying hello are simply too much to ask? Even in warm, sunny weather, the likes of which we haven't seen since May, almost everyone I passed today had a scowl on their face. Not very friendly, I tell you. Not terribly positive. I mean, I know Holland prides itself on its ability to complain, but seriously? It's pathetic and depressing. It was a beautiful day today. Smile! Enjoy the ride/walk. Greet your neighbours!

I realize that my friendly Canadian disposition will never really fit in here, and I'm not really expecting anyone to say hello (I learned that lesson long ago) but I think scowling is a bit excessive. I mean, not only does it make all the people you pass think that a) you don't like them and b) you're evil, but doesn't it also make you feel angry and upset as well? I tried to fit in in Russia with a scowl (even Dutch people have NOTHING on the negativity that is Russia), but I just made myself feel angry. Really people. Try smiling. A change'll do ya good.

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